A Day in the Life of a Permit Expediter

A Permit Expediter never has a dull day, especially when he or she is in the field, traveling to and between various city departments to make sure that your company’s permits are processed as quickly as possible. Since the everyday work activities of Permit Expediters can be a mystery to many, even those in the design/construction industry, we at Permit Advisors have decided to demystify the permit expediting conundrum. To uncover the everyday duties of a Permit Expediter, we spent the day with Craig Plezia, a Senior Project Manager at Permit Advisors. With a background in Architecture and Building Design, …

Feb 5, 2019 By Bridget Foley

Why Pre-Submittal Reviews Help Us Stay Proactive

When we are introduced to a large-scale project such as a shopping center or a high-rise building, we know it’s time to conduct some serious due diligence. If you’re not familiar with this term, it means that we are getting a comprehensive understanding of the project and its permitting and entitlement requirements. We conduct a ton of research on the jurisdiction, zoning district, applicable municipal departments, and more. Throughout this process, we often find that it’s extremely beneficial to review the schematic design with municipal departments to determine what requirements may be triggered by the scope of work. We call …

Aug 27, 2018 By admin