Knowing Which Liquor License to Get for Your Restaurant

Getting a liquor license for your restaurant, bar, or convenience store is expensive, complicated, and takes time. Permit Advisors will explain piece-by-piece the process to make it easier for you begin the process from a knowledgeable standpoint. As always, before we begin we advise you to get a solutions firm on your team before attempting to get a liquor license. Call us at (310) 275-7774 and we will set up a consultation to help you get a feel for what will be needed with your project. The Types of Liquor Licenses Did you know that there are a dozen different …

May 8, 2017 By admin

Different Ways to Skin a Cat: The Ways to Get Your Liquor License

In our last article we defined the different types of liquor license types for different establishments, and to review it go to this link.  In this article, we begin to explain the different ways of getting your liquor license and the spaghetti bowl processes associated with each. Get it from Someone Else The easiest and quickest way to getting the liquor license for your concept, barring a change of use permit, is to buy it from the previous owner. For example, you’re buying a family-owned cantina style restaurant and going to continue business as a bar and grill. You can …

May 1, 2017 By admin

How NASCAR Influences Your Restaurant and Other Imponderables Regarding Restaurant Permits

We’re going to take a break from our technical series on restaurant permits (by the way follow our hashtag #PArestaurantpermits) for a segment Bill Nye the Science Guy would call “Did You Know?” about restaurant concepts. Queue up Bill’s theme song. We are going to list some interesting, novel, and downright fun facts about restaurants and restaurant permits especially when it comes to serving liquor. So, without further adieu…. To serve liquor or alcohol in your restaurant concept in the State of California your concept must have two restrooms, one for each sex. Barring new bathroom legislation, that is… If …

Aug 9, 2016 By admin