When Do I Need to Hire a Permit Expediter?

Many cities are adopting an online portal for their plan-check process, leaving some professionals to wonder, “Do I still need a permit expediter?” While receiving the answer to this question from a company named Permit Advisors may seem biased, we promise to give you a straight answer. We’ll walk you through the why and when of leaving the permit process to an expert. Smaller Jurisdictions Barring some exceptions, smaller jurisdictions are often relatively quick with the permitting process, even without new technology. They don’t usually have as many internal departments, therefore, there’s less waiting and/or complication involved. Additionally smaller jurisdictions often …

Sep 19, 2016 By admin

Connecting Points: How Your Permit Expediter Helps You Avoid Single Points of Failure

This past week, I was looking into the Fortune 500 companies of 2015 to guess who’d move up or down in 2016. While reviewing some of the annual reports from 2015, it revealed some interesting information for any business hoping to increase their revenue: top companies and concepts avoid single points of failure. Now, how does this relate to construction projects? Well, avoiding single points of failure in the development phase of your project can provide less stress for your team, your vendors, and your bottom line. We believe the cornerstone to any good development is government relations, that is, …

Sep 6, 2016 By admin

Nuts and Bolts: How Permit Expediting Affects Your Restaurant Project Materials

Invariably, when we ask our Permit Advisors Inc. customers what their main fears are when starting a new restaurant project they give us a list and one of the first things they say is: going over budget. Of course, in a big picture sense, everyone is concerned about their projects going over budget. When our customers get granular about what causes their piggy banks to break, they start saying things like fixtures, finishes, consultant fees, and décor. While at first glance these things don’t appear to be affected by restaurant permits or permit expediting but, they unequivocally are linked. I’m …

Aug 29, 2016 By admin

How Permit Expediting Helps You Attract the Best Tenants of Any Concept

How Permit Expediting Helps You Attract the Best Tenants of Any Concept Although there are books, panel discussions, and forums just on how to attract the best tenants to your development, rarely do they address how permit expediting influences the deal; but consider this: what are your biggest barriers to getting your dream tenants and brands? Take it even further and think like a tenant. Where is the right space, for the right price, and at the right time? In this article, I will discuss how reframing your perspective on permit solutions attracts the best tenants to spaces. The User …

Aug 22, 2016 By admin