Permit Expediting During COVID-19: Problems and Solutions

With COVID-19, 2020 has been a year of change for everyone. At the start of the year, the norm was sitting in an office every day, going out to eat regularly, and having the opportunity to see your loved ones in person. Now we have all become accustomed to a much more solitary way of life. Working from home, holidays spent on Skype, and exclusively takeout. This year, more than any other before it has shown the incredible feats humanity can undergo to survive and thrive. For Permit Advisors, we have had to adapt to a completely different landscape for …

Dec 7, 2020 By Bridget Foley

Permitting Sunset Strip

Permitting Sunset Strip Better known for hair metal bands and grungy nightclubs the Sunset Strip is Los Angeles’s favorite place to make fun of yet visit. Now movie stars, luxury architects, and developers are joining in on the fun by developing higher-end hotels, apartments, stores, and restaurants. For those of you looking to develop on “The Strip,” as it’s called, here are some things you need to know about developing there. Change of Use Unless you are planning to open retail on the strip you will almost certainly need to apply for a change of use permit. This is a …

Jul 4, 2016 By admin