The Ins-and-Outs of Planning Commission

Large new developments and other high-volume projects often require a hearing with the local planning commission to determine if the project fits into the city’s master plan. Planning commission meetings are open to the general public and allow affected parties, such as neighbors and nearby property owners, to make comments and provide input. We have attended and represented clients at many planning commission meetings, so we are here to break it down for our readers and disclose the ins and outs of planning commission. What is a Planning Commission? Planning commissions are comprised of five or seven representatives who are …

Sep 7, 2018 By admin

How are Entitlement Services Different than Permit Expeditor Solutions?

How are Entitlement Services Different than Permit Expeditor Solutions? Most clients of Permit Advisors know the difference between entitlement services and permit expeditor solutions in a general sense, however, when it comes down to some of the finer points things can get a little nuanced. In this article, I will separate the key differences between entitlement services and permit expeditor solutions.  The essential differences in entitlements and permitting boil down to three key differences: interfacing with elected officials, timelines, and price tag. Elected Officials The biggest difference between entitlements and permit expediter solutions is who you interface with in order …

Nov 14, 2016 By admin