What a Stronger Dollar Means for Development

The Wall Street Journal reported a stronger American dollar by 4.3% since the November 8th election, but what does this mean for permit expediting as well as the retailer/tenant? At first glance this is good news as a stronger currency indicates a strengthening economy; but, for those looking to develop under these conditions it presents a mixed bag of benefits and costs with respect to the permit process of commercial development. As we look into the ramifications of a strengthening dollar we see a weaker import of foreign investment of products and development as well as H1B’s becoming less important. …

Dec 27, 2016 By admin

8 Keys to Understanding Title 24 in California

Introduction If you’ve worked on construction in California since 1978, or more aptly since 2013, then you have struggled to understand the spider-web process that is the California Code of Regulations, or CCR, of Title 24. Even then, understanding Title 24 won’t necessarily help you go through the process of compliance any faster. We’ve interviewed Permit Advisor’s Adam Van Dale, Project Manager, to help explain the process and best practices. PA: First off, what does Title 24 affect in terms of projects? AVD: Title 24 covers mechanical, electrical, and plumbing standards that affect energy use in the state of California. …

Mar 28, 2016 By admin