Building Permit Expediter: Separating Myth from Fact

In this article, I am going to dispel some myths and reinforce some facts about building permit expediter. For more information or a personal consultation contact our team at (310) 275-7774. Myth: All building permit expediters are pretty much the same It’s tempting to think all building permit expediters are pretty much the same around the country. But, ask any veteran of the space and they’ll tell you about their favorite building permit expediter. The one that specializes in a specific area of the country and they wish worked everywhere! On the other hand, they can tell you horror stories …

May 1, 2017 By admin

How to Succeed at City Council Meetings

You need to succeed at a local city council meeting. Your project needs the approval, your budget needs the approval, and after weeks of working towards a construction start date, you need this. But, where do you begin? You understand your concept top to bottom, and you can even argue why it will do the city good. How do you succeed at a city council meeting? Know Who is Who: A key to succeeding at a city council meeting is knowing who the city council members are. Learn their names, their districts, and what their interests are. Doing some research …

May 1, 2016 By admin