What you Need to Know about Tenant Improvement Permits

Tenant improvement permits seem like an easy task, especially when permitting a retail project, but don’t be fooled as tenant improvement permits can become difficult when not handled correctly. In this article I will discuss the four stages of tenant improvement permits that is important for you to know and also what Permit Advisors specializes in. This is our “secret sauce” to success. Due Diligence At first glance, due diligence is an ambiguous term as it is used by developers when they are just looking at a site. But, in tenant improvement permits due diligence means doing homework on the …

Feb 14, 2018 By admin

Building Permit Expeditors: A Case Against and a Case for Them

In this article, I am going to build the case against building permit expeditors as well as answer point by point, why you might be working with the wrong permit expeditor. I often meet two types of construction professionals: the kind that tells me they aren’t sold on my services and the kind that wouldn’t do business without my services. The reason I want to build both cases is to help professionals tease out the good permit expediting services from the bad ones.   “That’s Why I Will Never Work with a Permit Expeditor Again.” As someone who takes ownership …

Oct 16, 2017 By admin

How Lease Agreements Affect Your Building Permit Expeditor

The age of the shopping mall is on the decline, and now that retailers are playing hardball with their lease agreements you’re probably wondering how those lease agreements affect your building permit and if you even need a building permit expeditor. The short answer is: yes, you need a building permit expeditor, especially with tight lease agreements. In this article I will give you three ways lease agreements affect your building permit. 1. Tight lease agreements call for efficient phase 1 construction. If a retailer is in negotiation a new lease, for lease renew #2, the quicker a mall or tenant …

Oct 9, 2017 By admin

Mixed-Use Intensification

Mixed-Use Intensification As of writing this in Quarter 2 in 2016, Mixed-Use commercial concepts are trending nation-wide, especially in high urban and metro areas, but no one is talking about the intensification of these units and how they are costing developers. Maybe everyone knows when talking about mixed-use that intensification is an assumption on the part of planners, and the cost of pushing these permits through can be pretty complex when thinking of time and money. But, judging by the amount of proposed mixed-use concepts with the actual number of mixed-use concepts approved tells another story. The Break-Down Alright, lets …

Apr 3, 2016 By admin