Letter to Our Readers: Evolution of the Mall Experience

Letter to Our Readers: Evolution of the Mall Experience
Dear Permit Advisors Reader,
It is no secret the mall experience is evolving because malls, as we know them, are dead. It is also no secret consumers are looking for novel and unique experiences from their shopping centers. Designers, developers, investors, brokers, and pretty much everyone is scrambling to predict what the “next big thing” in mall concepts will be. Well, Permit Advisors can’t predict what next tech or unique thingamabob millennials and baby boomers are going to want from their shopping centers, but we can help you get your project approved quicker and with less stress. In order to help, we are kicking off a month-long series called “Evolution of the Mall Experience,” that is geared towards helping architects, tenant coordinators, tenants, contractors, and landlords. We’re going to cover topics like executing permits, why your permit staff matters, city council meetings, pricing mall permits, and many more.
We will be publishing every Monday and are open to calls, emails, and comments on social media. If you want to know something about the evolution of the mall experience, ask us. Find us with #mallevolution. We are here to advise you. We take your business seriously and care about what you care about.
Thank you.
Everyone from Permit Advisors Inc.